Plan miasta Lovsele

Lovsele - Najnowsze wiadomości:

earlier family history

comments: In 1870, owned real estate (probably a house in Flushing). His son Michael, according to a family story, often said that he didn't want to live past age 40. And he indeed died in an accident (a carriage caught on fire ...
źródło: BlogSearch

earlier family history

lives at the Kraegaaner farm (today called Lovsele). sources: IGI Swedish records Internet posting sent to me by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman letter from Tom Juslin, president Sodra Vasterbottens Slaktforskare Name: Anna Hakonsdotter ...
źródło: BlogSearch

earlier family history

lives at the Kraegaaner farm (today called Lovsele). sources: IGI Swedish records Internet posting sent to me by Gwen Boyer Bjorkman letter from Tom Juslin, president Sodra Vasterbottens Slaktforskare Name: Anna Hakonsdotter ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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